New Peccary leather gloves

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Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:25 am

My grandfather’s Peccary gloves have gone into honourable retirement this year so I’m looking for replacements. The candidates so far are:

Dents hand-sewn Peccary gloves (made by Dents)

Hand sewn Peccary gloves sold by Drakes of London (made in Italy)

Hand-sewn Peccary gloves sold by Budd (made by ?)

I imagine any of the above would give long-lasting pleasure but comments or advice regarding their relative merits would be appreciated.

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Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:42 pm

Did you try the three pairs on your hands? What is your first assessment?
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Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:43 am

lgcintra wrote:Did you try the three pairs on your hands? What is your first assessment?

I’ve tried the Dents gloves – they offer a wide range of sizes, one of which fitted well across my palm & fingers.

I’ve not tried the gloves from Drakes or Budd yet – I was hoping to ascertain if either offered anything over Dents prior to spending a day travelling to London (I can buy Dents locally).

Judging by the photos on the Drakes website, the hand sewing on the Drakes gloves is more subtle & attractive than on Dents.
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Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:13 pm

I bought mine from Budd. Go and have chat with the ever amusing and sartorially wise Mr. Rowley and let him guide you through the peccary experience. Cheers, st.tully

Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:50 pm

st.tully wrote:I bought mine from Budd. Go and have chat with the ever amusing and sartorially wise Mr. Rowley and let him guide you through the peccary experience. Cheers, st.tully
I bought a pair in Lords (of blessed memory) and the manager convinced me to buy a pair with a nice bit of scarring, to demonstrate that the beast had been in a tusk fight or two!
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Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:29 am

St Tully & NJS have touched on another important aspect of purchasing a durable & very personal item - that of 'buying experience'. Not in the dumbed down Disney Land form which retail companies & shopping mall owners inflict on largely willing customers but a quieter & more personal manifestation - such as having an order taken whilst sitting in a chair used by everyone fron the Aga Khan to King Zog or being told to "mind the hole in the rug sir - a bit of phosphorous from an incendiary did it" - through to sales talk in the manner of (to borrow an example from NJS): "rain sounds so much better on silk sir". All add greatly to the pleasure of using the item.

I think I'll pay a visit to Budd first.

By the way, I thought I'd take the train down London rather than drive but I shudder to think what the week-day rail fares from the north-west of England to London will be when the new company takes over from Virgin Trains. Current standard fares to travel at times which allow a full day in the city more or less equal that of a pair of finest Peccary gloves. It's more than double a standard fare at similar times for London to Paris on the Eurostar.

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Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:09 am


Merola made many pairs of bespoke gloves for me. You can send a outline of your hand and they will make them for you.

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Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:17 pm

Russell wrote:I’ve tried the Dents gloves – they offer a wide range of sizes, one of which fitted well across my palm & fingers.

I’ve not tried the gloves from Drakes or Budd yet – I was hoping to ascertain if either offered anything over Dents prior to spending a day travelling to London (I can buy Dents locally).
Dear Russell,

I am equally happy with peccary gloves from both Dents and Budd.

cheers, david
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Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:35 am

A friend of mine has recently interviewed Stefano Merola: ... iczkimeren
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