Blocking out shoes

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J.S. Groot
Posts: 344
Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:33 am

Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:28 am

My feet are... strong as my physiotherapist so gently puts it, meaning that I'm best at home in wider fitting shoes.

This poses a slight problem for me. Footwear is an area were it's possible to save a nickel or two by means of using eBay or the likes, where you can often quality shoes (Lobb, Tricker's, Church, Edward Green, C&J etc.) that are unworn or only slightly worn quite inexpensively. However, wide fits are quite rare. This brings me to my question: The practise of blocking out shoes is quite commonly employed on cheaper shoes (where I come from at least). Is this an absolute no-no when it comes to good, quality shoes? In other words, will it strain the leather too much, thus shortening the shoes' lifespan?
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Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:42 am

I'd say buying any shoes remotely, without trying them on (or worn shoes) is a no-no; anything arising from this is a non-issue. If you wish to save, don't do it with shoes, you will regret it - if not immediately, certainly in time, when your feet and spine start rebelling against inadequate footwear.
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Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:45 am

Costi is right as a principle, but slight adjustments by stretching can be made on good quality shoes as on lesser shoes. I would not count on this to change a standard fitting to a wide one, however. I have had it done successfully to relieve slight pinching at the ball of one shoe in a pair, for instance.

I have the opposite problem from yours--I have a narrow foot through the arch, but in some lasts a narrow fitting lacks adequate room through the ball and toes for me.
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