White tie accessories

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Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:13 am

http://www.thelondonlounge.net/forum/vi ... =32&t=5526

It was mentioned in Tuttee's commentary to the above article, I also found a reference to it on Wikipedia (which might be drawn from the above).

The article also confirms that white pique waistcoat with black tie is okay, so I have some options...

But I do want the tails so very much!
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Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:26 am

"Although fold collar is worn correctly with dinner coat at stag parties or at clubs, and during hot weather, smart men evade it.*"-Etutee's tails article

Given so few chances to wear white tie, why not do it right?
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Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:00 am

Kilted, have a look at the note that the asterisk leads to, where it is noted that Windsor preferred the turndown collar.

I think I'd prefer a good wing collar myself, but it's of at least academic interest to know my options!
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Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:31 pm

BirdofSydney wrote:http://www.thelondonlounge.net/forum/vi ... =32&t=5526

It was mentioned in Tuttee's commentary to the above article, I also found a reference to it on Wikipedia (which might be drawn from the above).

The article also confirms that white pique waistcoat with black tie is okay, so I have some options...

But I do want the tails so very much!
I was unable to locate the passage in Tuttee's article - can you please copy and paste the passage? Apart from that, I would wikipedia not consider to be an authority - especially not when it comes to dressing the correct way..

Personally, I'd probably never wear a turndown collar because I'd feel like a clown - but each to his own.

With regard to the marcella waistcoat with black tie, please bear in mind that historically it was considered to be a faux pas to wear one with a dinner suit until about 1930. Subsequently, especially younger gentleman started to wear a marcella waistcoat also with black tie. Some probably because they could save some money and use it for white tie as well - others may have simply preferred the look. You could also think about using black waistcoat buttons for a marcella waistcoat if you wear it with black tie...

However, if you wear a marcella waistcoat for black tie you must also wear a shirt with a detachable collar since a soft turndown collar looks too informal for the white marcella waistcoat ensemble.
Last edited by le.gentleman on Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Aug 02, 2009 6:50 pm

*Dinner clothes being… what is known traditionally as “black-tie”.
. . .
Although fold collar is worn correctly with dinner coat at stag parties or at clubs, and during hot weather, smart men evade it.*

*Well the Duke didn’t and always preferred a regular spread fold collar.
BoS: Both the original article and Etutee's commenet refer to folded collars with a dinner coat, not a dress tailcoat. It's an easy misreading to make since the section heading above these remarks is "RE EVENING DRESS." But I don't think you'll find any support for a turndown collar with a dress tailcoat.
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Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:46 pm

There is some confusion here. The Duke espoused turndown collars with black tie. They are absolutely not on the cards with white, nor ever have been.
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