Dear The London Lounge,
I am currently studying for a MA in the techniques of the tailored jacket. It is a requirement of this course to write a paper for my contextual studies module.
My question is 'what is the role of the Savile Row Jacket today?
Here are some question to get you started
Has the role of Savile row changed?
Has the relationship between the tailor and customer changed at all ?
Does that average man even know what quality is?
Do we still need the quality and skill of Savile Row? I hope you agree that we do, but would like read your views on this subject.
What does Savile Row represent?
How much does the cost of a jacket come into the equation ?
I hope that your comments will contain more question than answers: i think this is a good position to be in.
If their are any other sections on the site that you would recommend that I read then please inform me
Regards Tim
What is the role of the Savile Row Jacket today?
SR was a part of class society. I was living by a close connection to the upper class and the upper middle class. Today things are not that clear. SR has become a brand that appeal to a customer who has many choices, not only regarding garments (designer brands or bespoke), but also regarding lifestyle products (clothes, car, house, kitchen, hollidays etc.). When the close connection to the upper clases diminishes, SR has to ask itself why it exists. The good thing is that the answer is straight forward: craft, craft, craft.
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