"whistling" foot

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:27 pm


I’ve been a fan of A. Testoni shoes for the past few years. About six months ago I purchased a slim black shoe for which I additionally have in a coffee color. I purchased a size 41 which is pretty typical for me. After wearing the new shoe a couple of times it began to “whistle” in one foot when stepped down.

To my knowledge, this is one of the classic examples of a shoe not properly fitted. I can not take the shoe back and am perplexed as the brown shoes I have in the same design and size are problem free.

Can anyone explain this phenomena to me and if there’s anything resembling a fix? I’d hate to have to bin them and don’t suspect that I can teach them to carry a tune.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.


Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:45 pm

Good question. I have this too, but only on a few bespoke shoes, and not in any RTW. It generally becomes less pronounced over the morning, as my feet settle in.
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